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Web API for Hybrid AI

Chunhui Mo

TPAC 2024
Anaheim CA, USA
hybrid meeting
23–27 SEPTEMBER 2024

The following are the APIs goals:

The following are not within our scope of concern:

Connection API

  1. Connection API Definition in Web IDL
  2. Connection API Sample Usages
  3. Connection API Implementation References
1. Connection API Definition in Web IDL
interface ModelConfig {
  DOMString? model;
  DOMString? baseUrl;
  // ...

enum ConnectionPreference { "remote", "local" };

interface ConnectConfig {
  // Cloud-based models
  record<DOMString, ModelConfig> remotes;

  // On-device models
  record<DOMString, ModelConfig>? locals;

  // Priority for accessing cloud-based models
  sequence<DOMString>? remote_priority;

  // Priority for accessing on-device models
  sequence<DOMString>? local_priority;

  // Models connection preference
  ConnectionPreference? prefer;

interface AIAssistant {
  Promise<AIAssistant> switchModel(DOMString modelName);

Promise<AIAssistant> connect(ConnectConfig connectConfig);

interface AIAssistantFactory {
  Promise<AIAssistant> connect(ConnectConfig connectConfig);
  Promise<AIAssistant> create(optional AIAssistantCreateOptions options = {});
  // ...

interface AIAssistant : EventTarget {
  Promise<AIAssistant> switchModel(DOMString modelName);
  Promise<DOMString> prompt(DOMString input, optional AIAssistantPromptOptions options = {});
  // ...
2. Connection API Sample Usages
const config = {
  // Cloud-based models
  remotes: {
    gemini: {
      model: 'gemini-1.5-flash'
  // On-device models
  locals: {
    gemma: {
      randomSeed: 1,
      maxTokens: 1024
    llama: {
      baseUrl: 'http://localhost:11434'
    geminiNano: {
      temperature: 0.8,
      topK: 3
  // Priority for accessing on-device models
  local_priority: ['llama', 'gemma', 'geminiNano'],
  // Models connection preference
  prefer: 'remote'

// Connect to the remote Gemini model based on the above config
const session1 = await ai.connect(config)
const result1 = await session1.prompt('who are you')

// Switch to the Llama model that has already been defined in the config
const session2 = await session1.switchModel('llama')
const result2 = await session2.prompt('who are you')
3. Connection API Implementation References
// Define an asynchronous function to connect to the Gemini model
const gemini = async (options = {}) => {
  // Create a new instance of the GoogleGenerativeAI class using the API key
  const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(gemini_api_key)

  // Define default options for the Gemini model (version 1.5-flash)
  const defaultOption = { model: 'gemini-1.5-flash' }

  // Get the generative model from GoogleGenerativeAI by merging default and custom options
  const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({
    ...defaultOption, // Use the default Gemini model version
    ...options // Override or add any additional options passed in

  // Define a function to generate a response from the model based on the input content
  const generateResponse = async (content, display) => {
    try {
      // Call the model's generateContentStream method to get a stream of generated content
      const result = await model.generateContentStream([content])

      // Stream the generated content in chunks and display it
      for await (const chunk of result.stream) {
        display(chunk.text()) // Display each chunk of text
      display('', true) // Signal the end of the stream
    } catch (error) {
      throw error.message

  // Return the generateResponse function as part of the object
  return { generateResponse }

// Define an asynchronous function to connect to the Gemma model
const gemma = async (options = {}) => {
  // ...

// Define an asynchronous function to connect to the Llama model
const llama = async (options = {}) => {
  // ...

// Define an asynchronous function to connect to the GeminiNano model
const geminiNano = async (options = {}) => {
  // ...

// Add the Gemini model function to the models object, along with others like gemma, llama, and geminiNano
const models = { gemini, gemma, llama, geminiNano }

// Tries to connect to models based on a prioritized list
const tryConnect = async (prior) => {
  let model = null // Holds the connected model once successful
  let connect = null // Stores the function used to connect to the model

  // Loop through the prioritized list of models
  for (let i = 0; i < prior.length; i++) {
    // Get model name, connection method, and options
    const [name, connectModel, options] = prior[i]
    try {
      // Try to connect to the model
      model = await connectModel(options)
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('An error occurs when connecting the model', name, '\n', error)
    if (model) {
      console.warn('Connect model', name, 'successfully')
      // Store the connect function
      connect = connectModel
      break // Exit the loop once connected to a model

  // Return the connected model and the connection function
  return [model, connect]

// Function to switch models dynamically
const switchModelFn = (prior, remotes, locals) => async (modelName) => {
  // Get the connection function for the given model
  const connectModel = models[modelName]
  // Get the configuration options from remotes or locals
  const options = remotes[modelName] || locals[modelName]
  // Connect to the new model
  const model = await connectModel(options)
  // Create a new session with the switched model
  return createSession(model, connectModel, prior, remotes, locals)

// Function that handles generating a prompt with the model
const promptFn = (model, connect, prior) => {
  return async (...args) => {
    try {
      // Try to generate a response using the current model
      return await model.generateResponse.apply(model, args)
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Prompt failed when using the model\n', error)

      // If prompt fails, try switching models from the prioritized list
      for (let i = 0; i < prior.length; i++) {
        const [name, connectModel, options] = prior[i]
        // Only switch if the model is different
        if (connect !== connectModel) {
          try {
            // Try to connect to the alternate model
            const subModel = await connectModel(options)
            console.warn('Prompt failed, switch the model', name, 'successfully')
            // Retry the prompt with the new model
            return await subModel.generateResponse.apply(subModel, args)
          } catch (error) {
            console.error('Prompt failed, an error occurs when switching the model', name, '\n', error)

// Creates a session with the connected model
const createSession = (model, connect, prior, remotes, locals) => {
  if (model) {
    return {
      // Provide a function to generate prompts
      prompt: promptFn(model, connect, prior),
      // Provide a function to switch models
      switchModel: switchModelFn(prior, remotes, locals)
  } else {
    throw new Error('No available model can be connected!')

// Connects to a model based on the provided configuration
const connect = async ({ remotes = {}, remote_priority, locals = {}, local_priority, prefer } = {}) => {
  // Get remote model names from priority list or default to all remotes
  const remoteNames = remote_priority || Object.keys(remotes)
  // Prepare an array of remote models
  const remote = remoteNames.map((name) => [name, models[name], remotes[name]])

  // Get local model names from priority list or default to all locals
  const localNames = local_priority || Object.keys(locals)
  // Prepare an array of local models
  const local = localNames.map((name) => [name, models[name], locals[name]])

  // Determine the priority order based on user preference (local or remote first)
  const prior = prefer === 'local' ? local.concat(remote) : remote.concat(local)
  // Try to connect to a model from the prioritized list
  const [model, connect] = await tryConnect(prior)

  // Create a session with the connected model
  return createSession(model, connect, prior, remotes, locals)

Storage API

  1. Storage API Definition in Web IDL
  2. Storage API Sample Usages
  3. Storage API Implementation References
1. Storage API Definition in Web IDL
interface AIAssistantFactory {
  // Inserts a new entry and returns its entryId
  Promise<DOMString> insertEntry(DOMString category, DOMString content);

  // Updates an existing entry by its entryId
  Promise<boolean> updateEntry(DOMString entryId, DOMString content);

  // Removes an entry by its entryId
  Promise<boolean> removeEntry(DOMString entryId);

  Promise<AIAssistant> connect(ConnectConfig connectConfig);
  Promise<AIAssistant> create(optional AIAssistantCreateOptions options = {});
  // ...

interface AIAssistant : EventTarget {
  Promise<AIAssistant> switchModel(DOMString modelName);
  Promise<DOMString> prompt(DOMString input, optional AIAssistantPromptOptions options = {});
  // ...

dictionary AIAssistantPromptOptions {
  DOMString[] categories;
  // ...
2. Storage API Sample Usages
// Web App A connects to a cloud-based model
const remoteSession = await ai.connect(remoteConfig)

// Web App A fetches flight info based on the user's travel plan
const flightInfo = await remoteSession.prompt(userPlan)

// Web App A stores the flight info in the user's personalized data
await ai.insertEntry('travel', flightInfo)

// =====================================================

// Web App B connects to an on-device model
const localSession = await ai.connect(localConfig)

// Web App B stores the user's info into their personalized profile
await ai.insertEntry('travel', userInfo)

// Web App B uses the stored user data and flight info to suggest a list of hotels
const hotelList = await localSession.prompt(hotelDemand, { categories: ['travel'] })
3. Storage API Implementation References
import { ChromaClient } from 'chromadb'
import { Chroma } from '@langchain/community/vectorstores/chroma'
import { OllamaEmbeddings } from '@langchain/community/embeddings/ollama'

// Define the collection name for the vector store, used to categorize and store entries
const collectionName = 'opentiny'

// Define Ollama settings, specifying the 'llama3:8b' model
const ollamaSetting = { model: 'llama3:8b' }

// Initialize Ollama embeddings with the specified model configuration
const embeddings = new OllamaEmbeddings(ollamaSetting)

// Function to insert a new entry into the Chroma vector store
const insertEntry = async (category, content) => {
  // Create a new Chroma vector store instance with the given embeddings and collection name
  const vectorStore = new Chroma(embeddings, { collectionName })

  // Add the document with the provided content and metadata (category)
  const ids = await vectorStore.addDocuments([
      pageContent: content, // The actual content to be stored
      metadata: { category } // Metadata indicating the entry's category

  // Return the ID of the newly added entry
  return ids[0]

// Function to update an existing entry in the Chroma vector store
const updateEntry = async (entryId, content) => {
  // Create a new Chroma vector store instance with the given embeddings and collection name
  const vectorStore = new Chroma(embeddings, { collectionName })

  // Update the document with the given content, matching it by entryId
  const ids = await vectorStore.addDocuments(
    [{ pageContent: content }], // The new content to update
    { ids: [entryId] } // ID of the entry to update

  // Return true if the entry was successfully updated, otherwise false
  return ids[0] === entryId

// Function to remove an entry from the Chroma vector store
const removeEntry = async (entryId) => {
  // Create a new Chroma vector store instance with the given embeddings and collection name
  const vectorStore = new Chroma(embeddings, { collectionName })

  // Delete the document by its entry ID
  await vectorStore.delete({ ids: [entryId] })

  // Return true once the entry is successfully removed
  return true

A Showcase of Hybrid AI App

  1. Making Travel Plan
  2. Booking Flight & Hotel Architecture
  3. Booking Flight & Hotel Demo
  4. Connection API Demo
2. Booking Flight & Hotel Architecture
3. Booking Flight & Hotel Demo
4. Connection API Config
const config = {
  // Cloud-based models
  remotes: {
    gemini: {
      model: 'gemini-1.5-flash'
  // On-device models
  locals: {
    llama: {
      baseUrl: 'http://localhost:11434'
    geminiNano: {
      temperature: 0.8,
      topK: 3
    gemma: {
      randomSeed: 1,
      maxTokens: 1024
  // Priority for accessing on-device models
  local_priority: ['llama', 'geminiNano', 'gemma'],
  // Models connection preference
  prefer: 'remote'

// Connect to the remote Gemini model based on the above config
const session1 = await ai.connect(config)
const result1 = await session1.prompt('who are you')
4. Connection API Demo

Considerations for Connection Strategy

Considerations for Storage Strategy

Considerations for Native OS APIs


  1. Discuss possible resolutions
  2. Followup actions and collaborations